Begins Mid-February 2023

Yoga Teacher CEO Group Coaching Program

Dear Yoga Teacher, 

If you've been feeling like there's got to be more, trust me when I say there is more.

The Yoga Business (and life) that you desire to create isn't impossible. It isn't crazy, it isn't greedy. 

In fact, it's exactly what the universe wants from you. 

Your deepest desires are direct communication from God. 

(or universe, source, goddess, divine wisdom, however you relate to it)

The life you want.

The business you want. 

The money you want. 

The love you want. 

Everything you want is waiting on you. 

In my last few years of business, I've learned that my vision is not only possible, it's only a few simple steps away. 

About 3 years ago, I was teaching 15-20 classes a week and taking no days off.

I was scared to open my paycheck and I had to use my credit card sometimes to buy groceries.

I was constantly burnt out, anxious and overwhelmed. 

Today, I... 

  • Teach a handful of classes a week
  • Work a few hours a day, a few days a week
  • Make $6-7K a month
  • and I am operating from a place of flow and ease

I share this because I know it's possible for you.

This program is a culmination of every step I took to make my vision a reality. I am ready to teach you exactly how to...

  • Tend to your time: Turn time into a never-ending resource so that there's always enough to go around

  • Rest and receive: Integrate rest and play into your life so you can give from a place of overflow

  • Build boundaries: Become an expert at protecting your energy and setting boundaries

  • Organize your offers: Get clarity around what offers light you up so you wake up everyday excited to serve your people

  • Market your magic: Dare to show up consistently and share the magic you are creating for your clients - have new clients reaching out to you (not the other way around)

  • Make money: Build wealth and abundance so you can keep doing what you love

The Logistics:

6-weeks to go from Yoga Teacher to CEO - we'll start mid-February 2023.

This program includes weekly self-paced trainings delivered to your email and a group coaching call every week (days will be determined by a vote from the group).

All resources and trainings will be available to you for life.


"I wish I could put into words how much Della has gently yet tremendously shaped my life this year. Working with her cinched it in my mind: I can do this. There is hope for me to live the life I actually want to live. I would be remiss if I didn't share that Della's presence in my life has helped me to finally find love for myself that I did not believe existed."

- Ashley

"As soon as we got done with the workshop, I billed my first client on my new offer. It's on now!"

- Amy

"The humble wisdom, genuine encouragement, and contagious spirit that Della shares in every offering makes sure everyone is the star and that no one is left behind. I feel like I can truly show up as my best self as a teacher and be of service with a full cup and abundant money."

- Sarah

"Seriously The masterclass was so phenomenal! Smooth, easy going, and packed with so much great info. I loved how Della started with legacy, made it actionable with content pillars, and built it back up to an easy content calendar. Exactly what I needed after my 2 week funk on social media." 


"Just from watching Della's short video on promoting yourself on social media, I have gotten SO many more responses. I feel like I am able to share more of myself AND it's working. Thank you!" 

- Emily

"Della is such a wonderful, gifted teacher and coach. She saw something in me and my work that I couldn't/didn't see and she helped me bring that forward. I feel SO much lighter and clearer." 

- Zofia

Contact information

Billing address

Get Email Ease for $77

Become an email master in 4 weeks with this self paced course
Sell out classes and programs WITHOUT social media.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1197)$1197.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (4x $310)4x $310.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (6x $210)6x $210.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Yoga Teacher CEO$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xYoga Teacher CEO$0
  • Email Ease Program$77

All prices in USD


Please bring a friend who you believe belongs here.

After you checkout and pay, you'll see a form to register your friend. Then, if you want, you can split the price with them!