You're ready.

You know you want to be a well-established, full-time, and abundant Yoga Teacher... but you're not sure how to.

You're wondering why your desires haven't happened to you yet:

  • Students lining up to take your class 
  • They're messaging you asking you how to sign up 
  • Your paychecks doubling in size

You're tired of the guesswork: 

  • The algorithm (wtf?!) 
  • How do I even *do* email marketing?
  • Is networking still a thing?! 

Something's gotta give.

You've dabbled with self-promotion but it feels like you're getting crickets every time. Then... 

  • You get inconsistent 
  • Your energy gets scattered 
  • You give up all together 

You're ready for the toolkit. You're ready for the support and accountability. You're ready to stop doing all of this alone. 

In this new mini-course you're going to master the strategy and soul of becoming a sold-out Yoga Teacher: 

  • Get social media down to a science so new students are flowing in 
  • Connect with local business and professionals so new opportunities are flowing in 
  • Master email marketing and start growing your list so your classes and offers are getting to the right people 

It gets to work for you. It gets to be fun. It gets to be easy. 

Join the Course

Contact information

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($77)$77.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2 x $38.50)2x $38.50


This training will consist of pre-recorded content and 4 live Q+As (replay will be available).

Add On Freakin Full Classes

Special one-time offer (only $11)
Get a kick-start with my freakin' full classes method - post, print, and pitch your way to FULL classes.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Sold Out Yoga Classes$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xSold Out Yoga Classes$0

All prices in USD
